

SAWA Unit participated in the Makassed E-Conference entitled “Successful practices in E-Teaching and E-Learning” by sharing our best practices regarding online counseling, career guidance, and social-emotional support during Covid-19.

Erbil Training

In collaboration with IDEAL, SAWA Counseling Unit, took part in delivering a training for 95 education leaders in IRAQ about psychosocial support.

career Guidance and Scholarships

In 2021, 22% of our Makassed graduates received scholarships in the most prestigious universities. Two students got accepted in the YES exchange program and one in the Tech girls program.

Virtual Social emotional sessions for students

During Covid-19, school counselors provided virtual counseling sessions for all grade levels that covered several topics: Organizational skills, identifying emotions, Coping skills and time management, Growth Mindset, and emotional intelligence.

Series of webinars by Alumni regarding majors

Because we believe about peer to peer empowerment, we launched a series of webinars where Makassed alumni shared their personal university experience with our current cycle 4 students and were able to give them a glimpse of life in university and the Expectations VS. Reality of majors. The sessions were followed by a Q&A where […]

Series of PSS session for parents

SAWA Counseling Unit, in coordination with LI Beirut-Unesco , organized Psychosocial sessions to support parents during these difficult times. These sessions aimed at providing parents with simple tools for self-care; moreover, it guided parents on how to build constructive coping strategies, manage stress, promote well-being , understand the emotional needs of their children , and […]

SAT course

As is the practice each year, SAWA Counseling Unit, in coordination with Kaplan, organizes the SAT preparatory course for secondary students wishing to enroll in order to enhance students’ cognitive capabilities and obtain university scholarships.
