Virtual Social emotional sessions for students
قدم مرشدو المدارس جلسات ارشادية افتراضية لجميع المراحل التعليمية تناولت مواضيع عديدة مثل المهارات التنظيمية ، وتحديد العواطف ، ومهارات التأقلم وإدارة الوقت ، واتخاذ القرارات ، والذكاء العاطفي.
قدم مرشدو المدارس جلسات ارشادية افتراضية لجميع المراحل التعليمية تناولت مواضيع عديدة مثل المهارات التنظيمية ، وتحديد العواطف ، ومهارات التأقلم وإدارة الوقت ، واتخاذ القرارات ، والذكاء العاطفي.
Because we believe about peer to peer empowerment, we launched a series of webinars where Makassed alumni shared their personal university experience with our current cycle 4 students and were able to give them a glimpse of life in university and the Expectations VS. Reality of majors. The sessions were followed by a Q&A where […]
SAWA Counseling Unit, in coordination with LI Beirut-Unesco , organized Psychosocial sessions to support parents during these difficult times. These sessions aimed at providing parents with simple tools for self-care; moreover, it guided parents on how to build constructive coping strategies, manage stress, promote well-being , understand the emotional needs of their children , and […]
كما هو متبع كل عام ، تنظم وحدة سوا ، بالتنسيق مع كابلان ، الدورة التحضيرية لامتحان SAT لتلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية الراغبين في التسجيل من أجل تعزيز القدرات المعرفية عند التلاميذ والحصول على منح جامعية.
SAWA team conducts a number of workshops to schools ‘ staff and teachers. The aim of these workshops is to promote wellbeing, improve mental health, and reduce stress. Some topics that were covered: – Psychosocial Support – Maintaining positive mindset during Covid 19 Pandemic – Mindfulness and stress reduction – Stress Management, professional burnout and […]
A series of training sessions for two groups of students of grades 10 & 11 were implemented at Makassed schools by EY Ripples, a global organization that works on developing outstanding leaders to build a better working world. Students were trained on the following 3 topics: – Workforce Readiness – Entrepreneurship – Practical Purchasing
To create a safe and supportive learning environment and a classroom culture of positivity, inclusiveness and respect, SAWA unit launched the “Blue up” campaign at all Makassed Schools where students, parents and staff members wore blue on October 11th. During October, all members of the Makassed community were involved in activities such as: Speeches, Movies, […]